Membership Application

Select An Option

02-Individual Member

02-Individual Member (YP)

03-Trial Membership is a FREE, 6 month membership for individuals who have never had a membership with PA-AWWA. At the end of the trial, member has option to join PA-AWWA as a paying member.

04-Individual Member ($0)
08-Retiree Without Print Pubs
09-Retiree With Print Publications
74-Service Provider Member Partner Agencies & Institutions
76-Main Contact for Utility or Service Provider
80-Utility Member 0-5,000 Connections
81-Utility Member 5,001-10,000 Connections
82-Utility Member 10,001-25,000 Connections
83-Utility Member 25,001-50,000 Connections
84-Utility Member 50,001-100,000 Connections
85-Utility Member 100,001-150,000 Connections
86-Utility Member 150,000+ Connections
90-Service Provider Member Under $1M
91-Service Provider 1-3M
92-Service Provider 3-10M
93-Service Provider 10-20M
94-Service Provider 20M+
Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist
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